Legal Notices

Head office

MAPETS is a single-member simplified joint-stock company (SASU) with capital of €6,850 registered under SIREN number 914 435 771. It is chaired by Mr. Thierry Garcia and its head office is located at 734 Route de Saint Jean in Saint Victor de Malcap (30500)


Tel.: 33 6 33 03 61 88E-Mail:


The company MAPETS is: Registered under SIRET number 914 435 771 00011 Registered in the trade and companies register under RCS NIMES number B 914 435 771 VAT number: FR79 914 435 771

Additional information

The company MAPETS: is registered in the road hauliers' register under license number DREAL 2024/76/0000478has a type 2 transport authorization from the DDPP under number FR30053T2has approval from the DDPP under number FR30011VH on its vehicle which is insured with a specific contract for the transport of live animalsis insured in RC Pro with a specific contract for the animal taxi serviceis registered in the European TRACES NT file
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